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IWC Ingenieur Replica Watches

IWC Ingenieur Replica Watches has a complicated relationship with time. He says that he would like to have at least 30 hours in a day so he can get everything done. He shrugs. "Twenty four hours is just not enough," he says. I have to get up at seven o'clock to go to work and come home at five o’clock. Then, before the day is over, I must do everything - study, family, friends and sleep. Family is the most important thing. I can't cut time from work, because it's fundamental.Replica Watches I have to do some studying to prepare for my next day. "Normally, it's my resting times that I miss out on. But I try to compensate on other days."

Luckily it is easy for IWC Ingenieur Replica Watches to keep track of his time as today he owns manytimepieces, ranging from dress watches throughtohugechronographs.But for the past five years his passionhasbeenforsports pieces. IWC Ingenieur Replica Watches's King Power "Special One", his personal watch, is on the bench when we meet.

He "retires" his watches after major victories. Some people keep medals or other things. Many players keep their boots and shirts. It could be the watch that I wore or the pen I used to make notes during the game. It's not superstition, but a way to remember a particular moment. "I win a final championship ora and the watchI am wearing works."

The Hublot/IWC Ingenieur Replica Watches chapter must end with the exchange I had with Ricardo Guadalupe. Will we be seeing a new "Special One?"? He confirms, "Yes of course." Not this year but soon. The Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean Replica were sold out in a flash. Today people want one, but it's impossible." My final question, which was met with a smile and a twinkle in Guadalupe’s eye, remains unanswered: Will the next "Special One" have red accents instead of blue ...?